The bazooka is a weird weapon.
It's the only weapon in Solly's arsenal that changes how even shooting a rocket works; The effects of that change, on top of it's other attributes, greatly changes your playstyle while using the weapon.

Loading, Firing, and Misfiring

The simple version is thus: The Bazooka's clip starts at 0 ammo, and holding M1 will begin to load rockets into the bazooka. Releasing M1 will then fire all the rockets in (vaugely) the direction you're pointing at, and once all are finished firing you can load once again. However, if you load more than 3 rockets, you will instead cause a misfire, creating a big explosion in front of you, and consuming a rocket from your clip instead of the regular ammo pool. These misfires continue until no more rockets are left in the clip, at which point the Bazooka is once again loaded normally.

[Determining Exact Timing Requires Testing].

3 Degrees of Deviation

The angle of every rocket coming out of the Bazooka is randomly deviated by up to 3 degrees.

Additional attributes

The Bazooka's rockets additionally incur a -20% splash radius penalty. While the Bazooka is active, you're unable to gain ammo from dispensers. Finally, while not written on the item's description, you inherently spawn with 4 less rockets at your disposal when compared to stock, since the Bazooka's clip starts at 0.

Resulting Effects

Close range spam buffed, long range spam nerfed. Mobility, bombing: key.